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Selected Tag: Data

Managing subcontractor relationships with emails like it’s 2005?

Arthur Goujon 14th Mar 2019

Rethinking the way data is exchanged with suppliers is not just a cost saving activity; it is transformative and enables businesses to redefine their position in the value chain.

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Distance calculations using latitudes and longitudes

Charlie Fazackerley 15th Feb 2019

Recently, we’ve been working with maps and location data and required the use of some distance calculations. These were particularly useful for determining the closest destination/s from a list to a single origin and helping with planning and optimising routes between locations.

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Optimising Mendix when handling large volumes of data

Harry Conibere 15th Jun 2018

Often during Mendix development, a developer will come across a query to the database which is badly optimised. This is usually caused by complex business requirements and time restrictions. Below will go into an example of a badly optimised query and how to tackle these moving forwards to ensure that the execution times are optimal. […]

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Retrieving data in Mendix

21st Apr 2017

Mendix Applications databases can contain large amounts of valuable information, and so it is important that care is taken when retrieving data from them. Constantly pulling large amounts of data from the database will cause an Application to slow down. Beyond performance, there are also data protection and security reasons why an Application should not […]

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