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AuraQ & Mendix Maker Meetup | 5th June 2024, London

Game Design in Mendix – Community Scavenger Hunt

Join us on June 5th for the next UK Mendix meetup – and this is a meetup with an exciting twist! Hosted by AuraQ, we invite you to come along to the in-person event where we will show you a different side to Mendix – game design!

The AuraQ team has had a lot of fun thinking about how to mix up the usual meetup format. We all know Mendix is awesome in so many different ways and can fulfil a wide range of customer requirements, but not many of us have looked at using Mendix to design a game! So to test flexibility, and to demonstrate that the platform really has no limits, AuraQ’s development team have used their creative low-code skills to build something we think really is the bees knees – a bee-autiful app (bear with the bee puns, this will eventually become a lot clearer!) that is a lot of fun and which shows a different perspective on Mendix.

Meeting at the Mendix UK office, we’ll start the meetup with the usual format, kicking-off by diving into what’s involved in developing a collaborative mobile app and how we have used the platform for game design purposes. We’ll divulge some of the exciting app features we’ve built such as AI integration, how we have implemented gamification elements like collecting points and live leaderboards and demonstrate how we have used location mapping to pinpoint areas across the city. After demonstrating the technical capabilities, we will then jump into the game play – which is totally optional but promises to be a lot of fun!

Don’t miss this opportunity to see how Mendix can be used beyond traditional applications. The Meetups are completely free to attend, just let us know that you are coming. Register for the Meetup HERE.


6:00 PM Welcome – app design, integrations and game play introductions.
6:30 PM Hunt the Hive – join in with our interactive, scavenger hunt game via your mobile devices in and around central London.
8:00 PM Drinks & Networking (at a secret, end location in central London – to be revealed on the evening!)

Venue Details

Mendix UK Offices – 22 Tudor Street, London EC4Y 0AY.

About Mendix Meetups

The Mendix Community Meetups are about meeting other makers. From product owners and business sponsors, to developers and solution architects, the events are a great way knowledge share and learn something new.

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